Saturday, February 28, 2009

Small Talk Six

So I decided to participate in Small Talk Six. The idea behind Small Talk Six is EVERY Saturday they post a topic and you TALK about Six things related to the topic selected for the week. You can talk as LITTLE or as MUCH as you want, in fact you don't even have to talk at can use pictures or images or songs or secret code. You really can do whatever the hell you want.

So this week the Topic is
6 Things that ALWAYS make you SMILE

{Baby Feet}

baby Pictures, Images and Photos

Doesn't matter whose baby it is...I just love Baby Feet.
My Grandma has always said she just wanted to SQUEEZE and PINCH babies.
My whole life I always remember her saying
"Oh I could just SQUEEZE and PINCH you"
EVERYTIME she was holding a baby.
And I NEVER got it.
Then I had my daughter, and well I really think I could have eaten her toes.
I just love baby feet.

{Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors}

Baskin Robbins Pictures, Images and Photos

I have so many flavors I love. I mean REALLY who doesn't love the 31 Flavors.
Although my favorite at the moment is
Love Potion #31
It's a seasonal flavor, so hurry go try it before it is gone
Note to the wise...don't check out the Nutrition Info on one of your favorite treats if you want to keep eating it guilt free

{Getting Packages in the Mail}

Priority mail logo Pictures, Images and Photos
I do a LOT of internet shopping.
Since we travel a lot, I don't often know where my FAVORITE/GO TO stores are located.
So internet shopping is my friend.
And nothing puts a smile on my face like getting a package in the mail


mac Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't really like to do my makeup.
No I take that back.
I LOVE to do my makeup.
I hate doing my makeup while trying to keep the two year old busy
and out of my stuff.
She loves makeup just as much as her mom does.
So I rarely do my makeup.
I do however LOVE to buy makeup and read about makeup
and catch up on the latest makeup techniques
I even follow a blog about Makeup
One day, when my child is grown and I go back to the working world
I would LOVE to do makeup not just on myself but on others

{The smell of Old Spice}

old spice Pictures, Images and Photos

My Grandpa use to wear Old Spice.
He was my Hero and Best Friend.
He died 10 years ago, but the smell still makes me turn my head to make sure it isn't him
I remember spraying it all over my pillow one time just so I could REMEMBER him
I love the smell

{Big Brother}

Big Brother Pictures, Images and Photos

This is my summertime addiction.
I seriously think I border on obsession with this show.
If I was single and had no responsibilities, I would be going to every casting
I would love to be on this show.
LOVE LOVE LOVE to be on this show.
But since I can't I just watch it, obsessively.
I follow the live feeds 24/7
I chat on Message Boards.
My life STOPS while this show is on
(well you know as much as it can, I still have to feed the kid and take a shower)
I am already counting down until it starts this summer

Friday, February 27, 2009

My first Award

Well technically I got awarded this award for my Family Blog
It will be MUCH more interesting on here anyways.
So I'm cheating just a little.

So the rules are (since are rules are important you know)
Honest Scrap:
A) List 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
And I am also supposed to tag people, but since I am just starting this I am going to skip that for the time being.
(Don't you love how I am totally making this Blog award fit what I WANT to do, not what I am SUPPOSE to do)

1. I pick my nose. Yes it is true...I am a picker. In fact I REALLY REALLY want my nose pierced, I have for a while, but I am just to worried that it might interfere with my nose picking, I mean it is probably REALLY hard to pick your nose with a stud in it right. I know it is gross, but sometimes there is just no other way to get those pesky little buggers out of there. So I pick it, sometimes I try to sneak what I am doing, sometimes I say I am scratching my nose...but when it comes down to it I don't think I really fool anyone.

2. I was rebellious as a child. And not in the way most kids are probably rebellious. When I was 16 I wanted my belly button pierced, well that was a BIG NO NO! BIG!!!!! So what did I do, I went to the store and got some rubbing alcohol, long sewing needles, and some ice...I borrowed (yuck, I can't even believe I am saying borrowed, what the HELL was I thinking) a belly ring from a friend, and had my cousin's boyfriend pierce my belly button for me.
My grandma has a Beauty Shop attached to her house, and she just so happened to be out of town, so we went over there and I laid in the chair you lay back to wash out someone's hair and he went at it. The needle got stuck half way through, I bled all over...but I got the sucker done. It totally was crooked and well I have an ugly scar now, boy did I learn that lesson the hard way.

3. My husband and I's engagement was uhm kind of interesting. When we got engaged I wrote my parents a letter to tell them. By the time they got the letter and found out, I had already picked my wedding date. When I told them, my dad informed me I couldn't get married then...I mean HELLO it was hunting season. So we decided SCREW them, we'll get married in Florida on vacation, which was in just a few months away. When it came down to it, I chickened out and we went and got tattoos (at a flea market, it is a miracle that I don't have any rare and horrible diseases huh) instead. It is my one and only tattoo, I call it my dirty little secret. My husband patiently waited and we were married a month later, in a courthouse with no family present. Looking back we should have got married in Florida it would be a LOT cooler story.

4. 90% of the time I don't get out of my Pajamas...period. Since becoming a SAHM (stay at home mom) I have become a grunge. I have some great work out pants, yoga pants, husbands basketball shorts, and baggy t shirts that make up my attire. My poor husband. I am just lazy. It isn't worth the effort when the ONE person who will see me all day is my two and a half year old. So what's the point. That doesn't stop me however from buying jewelry and makeup and hair care products and clothes that NEVER get worn or used. I mean buying it is half the if I ever decide to get ready I will have all of the stuff I need. Don't count on it though.

5. I am GULLIBLE. I will believe pretty much EVERYTHING you tell me. When I was uhm about 12 I got my first job. I picked Raspberries, if ever there was a job that could be considered Slave Labor, this in my opinion is IT. We woke up at 4 am, got on the bus by 5 am rode the bus for an hour, started picking at 6 am and ended anywhere between 6 pm and DARK....all day long you were in the SUN picking berries. We would talk about all kinds of things. This is when my eyes were opened to the REAL world. Before this all I was aware of was what my parents allowed me to know, in my good mormon home. So one day we were talking and one of my friends informed me I was gullible. I of course had no idea what gullible mean, and when I inquired I was informed it meant you didn't curl your hair in the morning. Well I believed that until I was in my Senior year of high school. So if that doesn't prove how gullible I am don't know what does.

6. My husband is OBSESSED with cars. OBSESSED! I am sure you will read many vents about his love affair with his car in the future. However, I am car stupid. When I was 16, about a month after I got my license I dropped the transmission in the vehicle I was driving. I was perplexed as to how I DROPPED a transmission and didn't even notice it. I mean the transmission has to be a pretty big part right? So I spent five hours over the next two days looking for it, I never found it. I have no idea how to check oil or change a tire and I really don't want to learn. I don't drive, I have anxiety about big city traffic and well we live in a big city. If I ever start driving again I am okay with calling AAA I mean you pay them for something right?

7. I despise close minded people. I was raised in a very sheltered environment and only allowed to learn about things that correlated with my parents views and beliefs, so as I get older I love to learn about anything. I have strong opinions about very few things in life, and I love discussing controversial subjects and hearing all the different views on things. I just despise people who think their way is the ONLY right way. I don't get it, I can't imagine going through life thinking that how I think is the only right way to think and if you don't think like me you are wrong.

8. I feel bad for kids who are raised by really religious parents. I was raised by a family that had very strong religious views, and well because of that a lot of things in my life were censored. I missed out on so much growing up and as an adult there are a LOT of things that I have really struggled with. I feel bad for kids who have parents that only let them listen to certain music or watch certain TV shows because of their religion. I know that if they ever step away from the religion they were raised in they will likely struggle, just like I have, and that breaks my heart.
Now don't get me wrong in no way am I saying that parents should have to let their children watch inappropriate shows (like I have had many arguments with my husband about how he lets our TWO year old watch Family Guy and I really hate when she starts repeating Ludacris song lyrics), but IMO you can take censorship way to far....and my heart just breaks for the kids and what they are losing out on.

9. I hate showering. Seriously it is just such a Pain in the Ass for me. I mean I do it because I hate being funky as much as the next person. But seriously what a pointless procedure. Showers are not relaxing to me, it is a process I have to do everyday.
I hate Shaving even more. When my husband travels and I don't go with him, I have been known to not shave my legs for weeks at a time.
And I really HATE baths. I mean HATE HATE HATE THEM. To me it is just like sitting in your own filth. Every time I try to take a bath, I just think about the nasty filthy water I am sitting in and it ruins it.
Maybe I am secretly wishing I was born into one of those civilizations in the rain forest that doesn't really shower...the women don't wear shirts or bras either, you know the ones I am talking about.....I bet they wouldn't mind my funk or hairy armpits.

10. I mispronounce words. Pretty often. For most of my life I pronounced Penis as "Pen(as in the writing utensil)-Is"
I had no idea I was even saying it wrong. Sometimes I still say it wrong just out of habit. I know now how you really say it, and boy was I embarrassed when I learned I had been saying it wrong the whole time....but it makes for a funny story

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh me Oh my

So here's the deal.

I decided I wanted a Grown up Blog.
I am not new to the world of Blogging by any means
but I have always just blogged

And sometimes I just want to be me.

So I stole an idea from my BFF
(That makes me sound REAL grown up huh)
and created a Blog where I could just be ME.
I don't have to be a mom, or a daughter, or a wife.
I don't have to make anyone happy.
I can just be ME!

So that's exactly what you'll get.

Who is Me?

Well I am 23 (I think....does anyone else forget their age????)
I am VERY long winded
I am Nosey
I am a mother to a FABULOUS two and a half year old, who is STRAIGHT up DIVA
I have a fabulous husband who I like and get along with MOST of the time.
We travel a LOT
I spend more time living in hotels then I do my own apartment.
We basically have a REALLY expensive storage unit.
I am opinionated.
I am a liberal.
I was raised Mormon BUT no longer am, and boy could I tell you stories.
(don't worry I probably will)
I am addicted to all things pop culture.
Celebrity gossip, Current Events, Fashion, TV
I love them all.
I waste WAY to much time online as it is, and I have a feeling it is only going to get worse.

So there you have it.
This is MY grown up Blog to talk about all things Me!